This conference aims to bring together leading experts in the vital area of automorphic forms and their L-functions, which enjoyed a lot of progress in the last couple of years. A paradigmatic example for this development - to which the word "new directions" in the meeting's title alludes - is the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture (local and global). Just within the last couple of years a lot of exciting results on its local version have been estabilshed in breakthrough work; whereas its global variant has been subject to a series of interesting refinements, such as of Ichino-Ikeda, Neil Harris and most recently Liu. Being (partly) financed by H. Grobner's 2016 START-prize "Special L-values and p-adic L-functions", this conference seeks to shed some new light on the topics raised in this triangle of research.
List of confirmed speakers:
Ramla Abdellatif (Université de Picardie Jules Verne),
Tobias Berger (University of Sheffield),
Pierre-Henri Chaudouard (Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot)
Gaetan Chenevier (CNRS),
Christophe Cornut (CNRS),
Jean-François Dat (UPMC)
Wee Teck Gan (National University of Singapore),
Neven Grbac (University of Rijeka ),
Marcela Hanzer (University of Zagreb),
Eugen Hellmann (Universität Münster),
Guy Henniart (Université Paris Sud),
Atsushi Ichino (Kyoto University),
Fabian Januszewski (KIT),
Erez Lapid (Weizmann Institute),
Colette Moeglin (CNRS),
Gil Moss (Univeristy of Utah),
Yianis Sakellaridis (Rutgers),
Makarand Sarnobat (IISER Pune)
Gordan Savin (University of Utah),
Eitan Sayag (Ben Gurion University),
Vincent Secherre (Université de Versailles),
Marko Tadic (University of Zagreb),
Olivier Taïbi (Imperial College),
Shusuke Yamana (Kyoto University).
Scientific committee: Ramla Abdellatif (Université de Picardie Jules Verne), Qëndrim Gashi (University of Prishtina), Harald Gröbner (University of Vienna), Alberto Mínguez (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Rive Gauche), Colette Moeglin (CNRS).
Organizing committee: Kajtaz Bllaca (University of Prishtina), Qëndrim Gashi (University of Prishtina), Qamil Haxhibeqiri (University of Prishtina) and Muhib Lohaj (University of Prishtina).
Sponsors: Austrian Science Fund (START-Prize Y-966); Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo.